Van Gogh Alive Digital Art Exhibition 2.0

From the date of Vincent Van Gogh’s death all Europe celebrates 125 anniversary in 2015. Everywhere are held the thematic events devoted to the great Netherlands artist. Moscow didn’t stand aside too: till January 16, 2016 in the center of design, Artplay, is held the multimedia exhibition “Van Gogh Alive 2.0”.

With the project, dedicated to Van Gogh, began the history of multimedia exhibitions in Russia – an exhibition entitled «Van Gogh Alive» was opened in January 2014 and attracted over 200 thousand visitors. The updated version, having kept all the best from the previous exhibition, in a new way tells about life and death of the postimpressionist and places emphasis on his key works.

Visitors of the new version will make excursion in the biography and the creative world of Van Gogh, and classical music, huge screens and 400 pictures will help to study in detail and, perhaps, to open for themselves from the new part his French landscapes, Japanese motives and starlit nights. Visitors will be able to imagine themselves as the characters in the works of Van Gogh using installations “Cafe Terrace at Night” and “Bedroom in Arles”.

From Wednesday through Sunday of each week in the exhibition there are held the workshops where experienced teachers help visitors, regardless of their level of preparation, write your own paintings based on the works of Van Gogh. It is also possible to attend lectures of the leading art critics.

Vincent Van Gogh, the eccentric and bright painter, for the short, but rich life presented to the world more than two thousand paintings, drawings and sketches. His museum, located in Amsterdam, is the most visited in the Netherlands.

Sources: ArtPlay, VanGogh-World, Arriva

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