Public lectures for those wishing to create a family

Лекторий для желающих создать семью

Public lectures named “Family School” open at church of saints Peter and Fevronia in Moscow (Maryino metro station).

Course of lectures include topics: Amorousness and true love, How to find and to keep love, Study of family life, Family conflicts and crises, Education of children is given by the Abbot of the temple priest Pavel Goumerov, family psychologist Mrs.I.A.Rakhimova and other psychologists. Before the lectures prayer services in honor of the above saints are held.

Saints Peter and Fevronia are symbols of love and marriage in the Russian Orthodox Church. Devout prince and princess of Russian Mourom land, who lived in XIV century, became model of Christian love and fidelity. The prince, being cured from this terrible disease with a help of girl- commoner, had married her and refused from reign for his wife, when nobility rebelled against their rule. In their old age each of them retired to monasteries and died there at one time, prince and primcess by miracle turned in the same tomb, from which there were many healings.

Memory of St. Peter and Fevronia is celebrated on June 25 / July 08 of new style.

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