
The word politics came to Russian language from the Greek language. It is closely related to two concepts: Politeia (gr.πολιτεία – public device) and Politika (gr. πολιτική – the activity on management of the state) .

Currently in Russia the concept is vague, largely lost its philosophical and social sense in the minds of people. We believe Policy is manifestations of propaganda, and anecdotes of social life, and sometimes banal buffoonery of so-called politicians.

At the same time the term policy is in its first mentioned value used by the famous Greek scholar and tutor of Alexander the great by Aristotle in “Politics”, where he identified with society and social economy. In the second, the policy value is closer to the modern designation policy content, its focus, define its forms and objectives in participating in its Affairs (1)».

According to Aristotle “man is by nature a political creature (gr.Ẓὤοⱱ πολιτιẋοⱱ)”. Moreover, in his opinion, in addition to practical functions of protection and use, in the country is the highest purpose of man, the highest good(2).

Political science consists of several disciplines, the main of which are the three (3):

1. Political theory. Exploring key ideas and debates on fundamental political issues, particularly the relationship between government and subject, the individual and the governme.

2. Comparative politics. It examines the similarities and differences of the political process and political structures. For example, to compare the modernization processes in different countries or political systems in different periods.

3. World politics. It considers the complex relations and interactions in the global arena, for example, the operation of the international and integration associations.

Taking into account the above, in this section we will attempt to reflect only the essential points of the Russian political life, that in our opinion will have an impact on the future of the nation: key decisions and facts, important social events and new political theories and research.

(1) Short philosophical dictionary / A. P. Alekseev, G. G. Vasilyev [and other]; under the.ed. A. P. Alekseev, M., RG-Press, 2012, p. 293.

(2) Quoted from the comments to the text of Aristotle S. I. Radtsig // Aristotle. Athenian politics. – M., 2003, p. 11.

(3) Methods of political research: Proc.a manual for students of Universities / borishpolets K. P. – M., Aspekt Press, 2005. P.9.

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