MSU scientists are exploring cancer treatment

Схематическое изображение процессов биодеградации кремниевых наночастиц. Фото МГУ. Любовь Осминкина

Researchers of Moscow state University. M. V. Lomonosov proved the applicability of silicon nanoparticles for diagnostics and treatment (theranostics) of cancer.

The use of nanoparticles that carry the drug penetration in diseased cells is already tested in the world, but the materials of transfer created side effects due to toxicity. But silicon nanoparticles produce in the decay of isolated silicic acid, which is not only not harmful but necessary for the body to strengthen bones and connective tissues. On the 13th day silicon nanoparticles are completely dissolved (bildergalerie).

Experiments of biodegradation were conducted by Raman micro-spectroscopy used in the Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology.

Also, scientists of the laboratory of medical and industrial ultrasound (LIMU) of Moscow state University received a patent for the option of ultrasonic device for destruction of tumors (Method and device for noninvasive local destruction of tissue). The tumor is this case destroyed without incisions of the skin and tissues (non-invasive, non-invasive). Scientists are looking for new ways of penetrating ultrasonic waves in soft tissue.

Author of the study is Prof. PhD Oleg Sapozhnikov, Department of physics, Moscow state University.

This kind of research University scientists are conducting in partnership with scientists from England, France, America and China.


Russian Patent house, Nanomedicine, Moscow State University.

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