Joint Ukrainian Orthodox Church will be created in Rovno region

В Ровенской области создаётся единая Украинская поместная православная церковь

On November 13, 2014 in Rovno region of Ukraine was approved document, calling for creation of joint “Ukrainian Orthodox Church”.

The document was signed by head of Rovno administration, representatives of non-acknowledged in Orthodox world Kiev patriarch and Ukrainian Orthodox Church, as well as by Ukrainian greek-catholic church. It was also signed by two Ukrainian Orthodox bishops of Moscow patriarch — metropolitan Sarna and Polesie Anatoly and metropolitan of Rovno and Ostrog Warfolomey.

Head of Information of Russian sinod V. Legoida declared, that it shows how difficult state has now western bishops of Ukranian Orthodox Church.

// Moscow// 17/11/2014, Source: Sinod Information Department of Russian Orthodox church

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