French media overview on December 04-06, 2015

The main theme of the publications of the French media have become regional elections (that is, in the local government), ongoing 06 and 13 December 2015.

Franch region authorites are elected by open direct vote, in which all French citizens over the age of 18 take part, if they live in the place the election more than 6 months. Municipal councils (communes) and General councils (councils of the departments, cantonal) are elected in regional vote. Voting takes place in 2 rounds on the so-called majority rule (the candidates with more votes only participate in the second round).

Nevertheless, today’s vote is held in this form for the first time since 1965, it was the result of the territorial reform. From 01 January 2016 France will be divided into 13 regions instead of 22 current. In accordance with the new law – NOTRe (Nouvelle organisation territoriale de la République) – will change the competencies of regional deputies. And never before such a vote was not held on the eve of the new year. According to surveys appearance will count 78% of voters (in contrast to 46.3% in 2010).

Preceding the 2010 elections gave the majority of votes in the regions to left political forces (socialists or PS) in all regions, besides Elsace. Since then, public opinion moved to the right.

The balance of parties is following:

1. Republicans(LR), attributable to the right flank. At the moment they lead the Alsace. Objective: guide 10 of the 13 districts. Nicolas Sarkozy hopes to win in regions exhibiting self-nomination and the beginning of the presidential campaign.

2. National Front (FN) – nationalists, considered extremely right, according to the Ipsos surveys have 14% more Republicans. Marine Le Pen expects a victory in 4 or 5 regions. At the moment, according to polls, the party leads in 2 regions, and close to victory in 4 others. Victory in regional elections will allow the party to claim victory in presidential election.

3. Socialist Party (PS), за которую намеревается проголосовать 22-23%, follows the strategy of minimizing the damage, trying to play on the popularity of President Francois Hollande after the terrorist attacks. The socialists hope to have a position in 3 of the 13 new regions.

4. Left Front of Europe and greens, according to surveys, are about 12%. Strategy for the conservation of the electorate in unfavourable situation for the left.

5. Others that do not have broad support, as right-wing and left-wing parties.

A potential victory of the nationalists – but in public opinion they have already won – scare their political opponents. Journalist Elizabeth levy (as, indeed, many opponents) believes that the party is moving in the face of the Islamist threat. Left parties intend to create the block before the second round of elections.

Sources: La Croix, Le monde, Le monde, Le monde, Le monde, Le Figaro

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