Foreign media: “Skeleton in the cupboard” of D. Trump and H. Clinton, loud operation in Germany, and referendums of N. Sarkozy

Зарубежные СМИ: «Скелеты в шкафах» Д.Трампа и Х.Клинтон, шумная операция в Германии, и референдумы Н. Саркози

European and American media are discussing three main topics: an election struggle of H. Clinton and D. Trump by compromising materials; anti-terrorist operation in Germany. In the framework of election campaign in France there is an interesting topic – the promises of former President of France N. Sarkozy, to hold a referendum about the barrier for immigrants and the possibility of arrest “especially dangerous” persons without a court order.

Presidential election campaign goes on in US. The main topics – obscene saying of Donald Trump about women, which was recorded in 2005 and released now; and Hillary Clinton’s closed-door speeches to banks paid by these banks. So, at the meeting with bankers of Wall Street in 2013 she talked about her dreams of “open trade and open borders” and a suggestion that bankers are best positioned to know how the industry should be regulated. The speaker of H. Clinton, neither confirming nor denying the facts, accused Russian intelligence of leaking information and attempting to influence the elections. According to WikiLeaks, Hilary was paid more than $20 million for speeches in 2013-2015 years.

Another issue is big and loud police operation in Germany, in which three people were detained (possible accomplices). The main suspect in the terrorist attack at German airport – Syrian Jaber Albakr is until wanted. Several hundred grams of explosives were found in his apartments. The operation was accompanied by a wide cordon, evacuation and deserted streets.

Nicolas Sarkozy, if he is elected President of France, has promised to hold a referendum on two topics:

  • the suspension of “automatic” right of family reunification. It gives a work permit and a long term visa for relatives of French citizens. It is not “automatic” even now – you must meet certain conditions (availability of accommodation, earnings, etc.). In addition, a spouse or child may be excluded from family members if their presence may pose a threat to public order. Sarkozy stressed that there is a huge problem that the integration of immigrants is no longer working. Therefore the automatic right of family reunification for non-EU citizens is no longer acceptable. Especially considering that there is a demographic explosion in Africa that will double the population in the next 30 years.
  • the right of administrative detention of “especially dangerous” persons (fichés S). In the framework of the fight against terrorism, Sarkozy believes that the Minister of Internal Affairs, if necessary, should have the ability to put administrative detention of “especially dangerous” persons. In December 2015, the state Council rejected such possibility, if it is outside of the criminal case or absence of criminal record for terrorism.

Sources: Washington Post, CNN, FT, Frankfurter Allgemeine, Bild, Le Monde

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