China shows a rapid growth of scientific publications

Китай показывает стремительный рост научных публикаций

One of the largest popular science journals of the world the Nature, issuing The Nature Index 2016 based on research of 8’000 global institutions, underlines that in its Rising Stars charter curious facts are discovered.

USA – the constant leader in the field of scientific publications – has become the second TOP-novice rating (11%).

40 of the top 100 highest performers across the globe are from China. The country heads the rating.

9% in the ranking takes UK, 8% – Germany.

In the global ranking of the fastest growing academic institutions 9 out of 10 of the positions occupied by the Chinese, their main institutions are following – the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking University, Nanjing University and University of Science and Technology of China.

Following TOP-institutions are remarcable: Institute for Basic Science from South Korea, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, KAUST from Saudi Arabia and Nanyang Technological University.

Rating Nature Index appeared in 2014. It tracks scientific publications in 68 scientific journals chosen by outstanding representatives of science. The rating involved 150 countries. The index is based on three indicators: number of articles with authors from Institute / country (Article count (AC)), share of the author in the publication (1 article divided by the number of authors, Fractional Count (FC)), the weighting factor of the industry publications (to flatten as the share of industry in science in General, Weighted Fractional Count (WFC) ).



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